iBS03R is an IP67 waterproof BLE beacon with a TOF( Time-of-Flight) sensor which can beused for distance measurement. BLE is a very low power 2.4G radio that can transmit thebeacon information efficiently. iBS03R is a rugged design
iBS03R is an IP67 waterproof BLE beacon with a TOF( Time-of-Flight) sensor which can beused for distance measurement. BLE is a very low power 2.4G radio that can transmit thebeacon information efficiently. iBS03R is a rugged design
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to design and develop a portable, non-contact, non-destructive imaging-based scanning device that assists inspectors in identifying water seepage areas as well as improving the traceability of inspection records. INNOVATION: 1
Automatic temperature measurement and disinfection. Effectively avoid cross-infection. https://youtu.be/sSizi7CjxTM Align the temperature probe with the palm of your hand, which is the liquid outlet, which can detect the temperature and automatically sterilize the liquid, without touching
提高效率和生产力 1实时监控项目活动和进度,可以快速识别错误/风险。 导致更有效的补救措施。2通过提高清晰度,可以优化施工过程并使其更精简。 . 改善决策 1知识保留和转移(知识管理)–从一个项目中汲取的教训可以有效地应用于后续项目。2由于所需数据随时可用,因此高层管理人员可以做出更好的决策。 . 更好的安全性 1对工作活动的实时监控将有助于更好地进行监督,以确保工作安全。2根据收集到的数据对趋势进行分析将有助于及早发现可能的风险。 . 更好的沟通与协作 1通用数字平台,使所有利益相关者之间的工作流程更加高效。 团队之间的沟通可以通过数字平台进行简化。2确保更好的协作,管理和期限交付。 . 先进技术/创新 1将AI部署到系统中可以有效地研究趋势并缓解风险。2物联网和智能传感器解决方案的采用将提高工人的安全性,降低成本,质量评估和设备维护。 . 保留年轻一代 1保留年轻的劳动力,他们可能会发现传统的人工流程很麻烦。 .
Improves Efficiency & Productivity Real-time monitoring of project activities and schedules, enabling errors/risks to be quickly identified. Leading to more efficient remedies. With enhanced clarity, construction processes can be optimized and made leaner. Improves Decision Making
监控仓库中的纸卷,每个机架上都装有 信标 传感器,信标传感器将连接到与系统集成的信标网关。 该系统可以通过移动或台式机打开,以便可以对其进行实时监控。 纸卷检测 仪表板摘要 在申请中 (第2层)4-07-2020, 07:59机架1、1占用(第1层)4-07-2020, 07:59机架2