Hospital - Collie

Rizal November 14, 2022 0 Comments

Hospital around the world faces an issue whereby it is a publicly accessible area yet it is filled with expensive & sensitive product. Coupled with multitude of patients without enough manpower to keep track of each and every patient, it is extremely difficult to find a system which can handle all these issues. Collie’s integrated system can cope with the demands of hospitals.


Hospital have new visitors almost every single day. Collie’s self-registration & Access Control Systems can help reduce the workload of nurses while reducing crowding & time spent in a hospital environment.

Visitors are able to receive a QR code generated through Collie, conduct a self registration remotely with basic personal details & a selfie for facial recognition purposes. The nurses or mangement staff can approve of the visitation through Collie. Once the visitors arrive, they can gain access through their facial biometrics.

Personal data such as the selfie used for facial recognition, can be removed from the system’s storage base on user requirements, such as at the end of the day, or immediately after exits, in order to adhere to PDPA standards


Hospital staff can also benefit from Collie through the ALPR, Access Control Systems & Attendance systems. Staff will be able to conduct self registration into Collie, which can be approved by managers. The Hospital staff will then, be able to access carpark through the ALPR system & office area using just their face. The Access Control System can also capture the Hospital staff’s in & outs for attendance purposes. Mifare cards and fingerprint biometrics are also alternate form of authentication within Collie’s Access Control System’s capability

AI Video Analytics

Applying AI Video Analytics (VA) can provide enhanced security while providing safety features for the patients.

Our AI Video Analytics includes stranger alerts & intrusion detection. By placing the cameras strategically in area of interests such as medication storage rooms or R&D rooms, a small security team can keep the hospital under surveillance regardless of building size and react to strangers in the building or intrusions to sensitive areas quickly through Collie’s Alert.

Collie’s Video Analytic includes facial recognition whereby recognising a registered face will trigger a log in Collie. It can also be configured to send alerts when a specific camera detects patients’ faces. This is extremely helpful in cases of dementia patient heading towards an exit.

The Crowd detection & people count feature can also help nurses control the amount of visitors within a room at any point of time, ensuring that patients are safe & undisturbed while ensuring that virus spread are minimal


Beacons can have multiple usage in a hospital environment to keep track of patient, staff and sensitive items’ whereabout.

Beacons can be attached onto patient’s tag, staff passes and even on medicinal bottles. When a beacon is detected by the beacon gateways, it can trigger a log of events, allowing for nurses or management staff to track patient, staff and items location

Electronic Display Labels

Collie’s EDL can be applied in hospitals for room & bed labelling. As patient comes & goes, it is not cost efficient for hospitals to consistently print new labels for patients or new sheets of paper to update the room’s attendance.

EDLs’ content can be updated remotely through Collie to reflect any changes to beddings & room details, saving time & effort for the nurses.

Hospital around the world faces an issue whereby it is a publicly accessible area yet it is filled with expensive & sensitive product. Coupled with multitude of patients without enough manpower to keep track of each and every patient, it is extremely difficult to find a system which can handle all these issues. Collie’s integrated system can cope with the demands of hospitals.


Hospital have new visitors almost every single day. Collie’s self-registration & Access Control Systems can help reduce the workload of nurses while reducing crowding & time spent in a hospital environment.

Visitors are able to receive a QR code generated through Collie, conduct a self registration remotely with basic personal details & a selfie for facial recognition purposes. The nurses or mangement staff can approve of the visitation through Collie. Once the visitors arrive, they can gain access through their facial biometrics.

Personal data such as the selfie used for facial recognition, can be removed from the system’s storage base on user requirements, such as at the end of the day, or immediately after exits, in order to adhere to PDPA standards


Hospital staff can also benefit from Collie through the ALPR, Access Control Systems & Attendance systems. Staff will be able to conduct self registration into Collie, which can be approved by managers. The Hospital staff will then, be able to access carpark through the ALPR system & office area using just their face. The Access Control System can also capture the Hospital staff’s in & outs for attendance purposes. Mifare cards and fingerprint biometrics are also alternate form of authentication within Collie’s Access Control System’s capability

AI Video Analytics

Applying AI Video Analytics (VA) can provide enhanced security while providing safety features for the patients.

Our AI Video Analytics includes stranger alerts & intrusion detection. By placing the cameras strategically in area of interests such as medication storage rooms or R&D rooms, a small security team can keep the hospital under surveillance regardless of building size and react to strangers in the building or intrusions to sensitive areas quickly through Collie’s Alert.

Collie’s Video Analytic includes facial recognition whereby recognising a registered face will trigger a log in Collie. It can also be configured to send alerts when a specific camera detects patients’ faces. This is extremely helpful in cases of dementia patient heading towards an exit.

The Crowd detection & people count feature can also help nurses control the amount of visitors within a room at any point of time, ensuring that patients are safe & undisturbed while ensuring that virus spread are minimal


Beacons can have multiple usage in a hospital environment to keep track of patient, staff and sensitive items’ whereabout.

Beacons can be attached onto patient’s tag, staff passes and even on medicinal bottles. When a beacon is detected by the beacon gateways, it can trigger a log of events, allowing for nurses or management staff to track patient, staff and items location

Electronic Display Labels

Collie’s EDL can be applied in hospitals for room & bed labelling. As patient comes & goes, it is not cost efficient for hospitals to consistently print new labels for patients or new sheets of paper to update the room’s attendance.

EDLs’ content can be updated remotely through Collie to reflect any changes to beddings & room details, saving time & effort for the nurses.
