Stranger Detection - Collie

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Stranger Detection Illustration
Bayu February 7, 2024 0 Comments

Introducing AI Video Analytics for Stranger Detection: Our system uses smart technology to watch over your space. It can quickly spot unknown people and alert security. By analysing faces and behaviors, it helps prevent potential risks and keeps your premises safe. Easy to use and seamlessly fits into your existing security setup, it’s a reliable solution for any place needing extra protection.

Stranger Detection in Collie web based app

When someone not in your database appears on camera, our AI system tags them as a ‘stranger.’ You can easily view these alerts on Collie web-based app, ensuring you are always in the know about who is around

Stranger Detection alert from Collie to Telegram

When your device spots a stranger, Collie immediately sends you a notification on your Telegram account. You’ll get details like the location, device, and time, keeping you informed and vigilant at all times.

Introducing AI Video Analytics for Stranger Detection: Our system uses smart technology to watch over your space. It can quickly spot unknown people and alert security. By analysing faces and behaviors, it helps prevent potential risks and keeps your premises safe. Easy to use and seamlessly fits into your existing security setup, it’s a reliable solution for any place needing extra protection.

Stranger Detection in Collie web based app

When someone not in your database appears on camera, our AI system tags them as a ‘stranger.’ You can easily view these alerts on Collie web-based app, ensuring you are always in the know about who is around

Stranger Detection alert from Collie to Telegram

When your device spots a stranger, Collie immediately sends you a notification on your Telegram account. You’ll get details like the location, device, and time, keeping you informed and vigilant at all times.
