Beacon Use Case - Collie

Beacon Sensor Device
Rizal August 10, 2023 0 Comments

Asset Tracking

All beacons basically can be used for tracking by means of BLE signal strength. Here are a few examples:

Tracking Sensor 1

Hall Sensor 3

Temperature Sensor 3

Accelerometer Sensor 5

Collie Snapshot

Wearable Beacon for Personnel Tracking

Beacons that designed to be worn on the user’s body

Keychain Beacon

Card Beacon

Collie Snapshot

Open/Close Detection

The beacons below are equipped with a Hall Sensor (Detects the presence and magnitude of a magnetic field)

Hall Sensor 1

Hall Sensor 3

Hall Sensor 5

Collie Snapshot

Humidity Sensor

Beacon with humidity/temperature sensor for environment monitoring.
Use case: monitoring changes in temperature at a job location.

Temperature Sensor 1

Temperature Sensor 3

Motion Sensor

Beacon with an accelerometer for motion event detection including fall detection (only free fall, not fall detection).

Use cases:

  • Tracking the location of assets such as fire extinguishers and machinery like excavators
  • Attaching a beacon to a structure such as a tree or scaffolding so that we can send out an alert when there is strong movement.
Motion Sensor 1

Motion Sensor 1

Motion Sensor 3

Motion Sensor 3

Motion Sensor 5

Motion Sensor 5

Accelerometer Sensor

Beacon with accelerometer sensor for activity monitoring

Use cases:

  • Worker movement including fall detection, when a worker has fallen it will trigger appropriate alerts or responses
  • Tracking location of assets such as fire extinguishers and machinery like excavators
  • Attaching a beacon to a structure such as a tree or scaffolding so that we can send out an alert when there is strong movement
  • Detect Cow conditions all the time. Examples: sleeping, eating, relaxing, angry, etc.
Accelerometer Sensor 1

Accelerometer Sensor 1

Accelerometer Sensor 3

Proximity Sensor

Proximity Sensor 1

Close proximity detection in 30-50cm, especially for small objects.

Use cases:

  • Detection of seats in library wheather it is occupied or not.
  • When the rubbish bin is going to be full, beacon trigger alert.
  • When washing liquid going to run out, systems trigger alert.

Proximity Sensor 2

Detecting larger objects like human within 5m range

Use cases:

  • To count how many people pass by at specific area
  • When someone walk into the energy saving toilet, it detect human access and light up automatically.

Proximity Sensor 3

Use cases:

TOF sensor for distance measurement (40mm~3M)

  • Worker movement including fall detection, when a worker has fallen it will trigger appropriate alerts or responses
  • Tracking location of assets such as fire extinguishers and machinery like excavators
  • Attaching a beacon to a structure such as a tree or scaffolding so that we can send out an alert when there is strong movement

External Input Sensor

Dry/wet contact, H/L input detection

External Input Detection Sensor 2

Flood Sensor

Water leak detection

Flood Sensor 2

Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor 3

-100 degC-200 degC temperature probe

Use cases:

  • Freezer temperature monitoring
  • oven/heat chamber temperature monitoring

Temperature Probe Sensor 3

-50 degC-150 degC temperature probe

Use cases:

  • Freezer temperature monitoring
  • oven/heat chamber temperature monitoring
Beacon with  temperature sensor

Temperature Probe Sensor 5

Beacon with temperature sensor

Use cases:

  • Monitor changes in temperature at a job location.

Related Articles:
Use cases for Beacon
Collie Beacon Devices


Asset Tracking

All beacons basically can be used for tracking by means of BLE signal strength. Here are a few examples:

Tracking Sensor 1

Hall Sensor 3

Temperature Sensor 3

Accelerometer Sensor 5

Collie Snapshot

Wearable Beacon for Personnel Tracking

Beacons that designed to be worn on the user’s body

Keychain Beacon

Card Beacon

Collie Snapshot

Open/Close Detection

The beacons below are equipped with a Hall Sensor (Detects the presence and magnitude of a magnetic field)

Hall Sensor 1

Hall Sensor 3

Hall Sensor 5

Collie Snapshot

Humidity Sensor

Beacon with humidity/temperature sensor for environment monitoring.
Use case: monitoring changes in temperature at a job location.

Temperature Sensor 1

Temperature Sensor 3

Motion Sensor

Beacon with an accelerometer for motion event detection including fall detection (only free fall, not fall detection).

Use cases:

Motion Sensor 1

Motion Sensor 1

Motion Sensor 3

Motion Sensor 3

Motion Sensor 5

Motion Sensor 5

Accelerometer Sensor

Beacon with accelerometer sensor for activity monitoring

Use cases:

Accelerometer Sensor 1

Accelerometer Sensor 1

Accelerometer Sensor 3

Proximity Sensor

Proximity Sensor 1

Close proximity detection in 30-50cm, especially for small objects.

Use cases:

  • Detection of seats in library wheather it is occupied or not.
  • When the rubbish bin is going to be full, beacon trigger alert.
  • When washing liquid going to run out, systems trigger alert.

Proximity Sensor 2

Detecting larger objects like human within 5m range

Use cases:

  • To count how many people pass by at specific area
  • When someone walk into the energy saving toilet, it detect human access and light up automatically.

Proximity Sensor 3

Use cases:

TOF sensor for distance measurement (40mm~3M)

  • Worker movement including fall detection, when a worker has fallen it will trigger appropriate alerts or responses
  • Tracking location of assets such as fire extinguishers and machinery like excavators
  • Attaching a beacon to a structure such as a tree or scaffolding so that we can send out an alert when there is strong movement

External Input Sensor

Dry/wet contact, H/L input detection

External Input Detection Sensor 2

Flood Sensor

Water leak detection

Flood Sensor 2

Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor 3

-100 degC-200 degC temperature probe

Use cases:

  • Freezer temperature monitoring
  • oven/heat chamber temperature monitoring

Temperature Probe Sensor 3

-50 degC-150 degC temperature probe

Use cases:

  • Freezer temperature monitoring
  • oven/heat chamber temperature monitoring
Beacon with  temperature sensor

Temperature Probe Sensor 5

Beacon with temperature sensor

Use cases:

  • Monitor changes in temperature at a job location.

Related Articles:
Use cases for Beacon
Collie Beacon Devices

