COVID Restart Requirement - Collie

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Rizal June 8, 2020 0 Comments

Safe Management Monitoring Solutions, Avoid covid 19 transmission by using IoT Technology

Safe Dormitory

Room conditions, temperatures, no. of people, etc.
Check if temperature and moisture change
Check if bed being occupied
Detect crowd concentration or count people
Detect toilets or count no. of usages. 
How many car seat available?

Safety equipment is tracked to ensure they are always at their location, like extinguisher, AED, and etc

Dashboard Summary

Who sleep at wrong beds How many beds being occupied? How long (sleeping time)
Where is the crowded area? What time? Anyone smoke at NO Man zone? Who intrude?
Where is the most hot place?  Allow dashboard to be accessible by workers
Which door is open and close? Which door is used most often? Which vehicle access most frequently? How many worker it carry?
Is kitchen still being used? Who is using it? Is the eating place fully occupied? How many seat available now?
To count how many people pass by at specific area How many times toilet being used? How many times cleaner clean it a day?
Is rubbish bin going to be full? When washing liquid running out? How many times the liquid sanitiser being used? By whom? Who is not using it at all?


Safe Worksite

  • Deploy workers by zone and by batch; Segregating of Site Office and worksite
  • Systems monitor closely the zone implementation, zone for “workers”, “staffs”.
  • Define rules if the number of workers are exceed limits, alert trigger
Project A, Zona 1 25 Workers
Project A, Zona 2 9 Workers, 1 Excavator
Project A, Zona 3 7 Workers
Project A, Zona 4 30 Workers, 1 Boom lift
Project A, Zona 5 Canteen, 63 Workers
Dashboard Summary
18-05-2020, 07:59
Zone 1, 9 workers 1 excavator
18-05-2020, 10:45
Zone 4 (31 workers)
18-05-2020, 10:45
Zone 5 (63 workers)



Safe Transport

  • Tracing workers on the way to project site, back to dormitory
  • Define rules to prevent overload per vehicle, trigger alerts
  • Checklist for the driver to do cleaning maintenance twice daily
  • Worker health induction

Employers must:

  • Review maximum seating capacity to ensure occupants are seated at least 1m apart
  • Clearly mark sitting locations
  • Arrange for additional trips or lorries, if necessary
  • Ensure workers wear mask at all times
  • Communicate these safe distancing measures to your workers and drivers
These are an example of how safe distancing on lorries can be practiced
MOM advisory on safe distancing measures for workers ferried by lorries dated 10 Apr 2020
SCAL Guide for safe distancing for on transport lorries dated 10 Apr 2020
Vehicle Detail
Vehicle A1234E 4 Workers (A1, B2, C3, D4)
Vehicle B9876C 8 workers (F1, G2, H3, J4, K5, L6, M7, N8)
Dashboard Summary
18-05-2020, 07:59
Vehicle A1234E has 4 workers (cleaned)
18-05-2020, 19:45
Vehicle B9876C has 8 workers (cleaned)



See Also:

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

People Counting Using Beacons
