Park MyIoT Applications - Collie

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  • Park MyIoT Applications
Rizal July 15, 2020 0 Comments

Application of Internet of Things in parks, with IoT Sensors (Beacon, NFC, etc) makes the park more Beautiful, Safe, and Smart.


1. Monitor temperature for space store flammable material, like chemical and etc
2. Machines and workers can be tracked to know their whereabouts at all times
3. Regular Inspections at facilities, equipment, tree, etc. System will also trigger alert as well.
4. Monitor environmental Temperature and moisture, to understand better on weather changes. (max. 70-celsius degree)nsor to detect if door is opened.
5. Detect crowd or count people walking by.
6. Safety equipment is tracked to ensure they are always at their location, like extinguisher, AED, and etc.
7. Monitor tree trunk, branch movement activities in x,y,z (movement of tree for safety reasons).
8. Proximity detection for human intrusion, space occupation, seat/table taken and etc (30-50cm)
9. Monitor environmental Temperature and moisture, to understand better on weather changes. (max. 70-celsius degree)

