Technical Requirement for Video Surveillance System - Collie

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Video Surveillance System
Rizal September 27, 2023 0 Comments

The deployment of a reliable and effective Video Surveillance System (VSS) is an essential aspect of modern security and surveillance practices. Whether safeguarding critical infrastructure, monitoring public spaces, or ensuring the security of private establishments, the technical requirements for a VSS play a pivotal role in its functionality and overall effectiveness. This article outlines the key technical requisites and standards for VSS that must be met to design, install, and maintain.

VSS Power Supply

Power supply availability typically differs between a built-up environment like a finished building and a construction site, where its presence depends on the specific location being monitored and the construction phase.

In situations where power supply runs out, it is advisable to use high-capacity rechargeable battery packs. The selected battery technology should be non-combustible and devoid of emitting harmful fumes during usage.

When operating a VSS outdoors during daylight hours, it’s possible to harness solar power to complement the battery’s capacity.

Furthermore, a VSS can be affixed to a building, vehicle (such as a van), or industrial machinery (like a tower crane) and draw power from these sources.

Companies can also install an Uninterruptible Power Supply to ensure uninterrupted VSS operation in case of power disruptions or when the battery is depleted.

Transmission and Storage

Digital video file sizes can vary significantly depending on factors like video bitrate, recording duration, and the extent of video compression, necessitating substantial storage capacity. To address this, options include utilizing local storage devices such as SD cards and thumb drives, as well as network-based drives and cloud-based storage solutions.

Regarding the transmission of video data, it can occur either through network cables or wirelessly, using technologies like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or SIM card/mobile data.

Storage recommendations include:

  • Opting for a storage system suitable for the specific environmental conditions, including outdoor settings.
  • Video files in various formats, including open-source container formats or common multimedia container formats like *.avi (Microsoft) and *.mp4 (MPEG).
  • Ensuring sufficient capacity to retain 30 days of recorded footage (if no WSH incidents)
  • In cases involving workplace safety and health (WSH) incidents, preserving video footage for a minimum of 180 days from the incident date without allowing overwriting or deletion.
  • Enforcing the inclusion of camera identification, recording location/area, and date/time stamps in all video recordings, with synchronization of date and time across all cameras from a single source.

Additionally, the chosen Video Surveillance System (VSS) should also have backup and export video footage to external storage devices, such as thumb drives and portable hard disks.

Viewing and Access

Companies have the flexibility to choose for a suitable Video Management System (VMS) software that facilitates effortless storage, administration, and viewing of video files. Typically, this VMS software grants users the capability to switch between live and recorded video footage and perform various remote functions, including adjusting camera angles (pan, tilt, zoom), and even editing footage.

Companies should contemplate the implementation of real-time monitoring for ongoing high-risk activities, serving as an additional layer of surveillance. This approach proves especially valuable when cameras provide unique perspectives that are not attainable through in-person monitoring. It’s important to note that companies bear full responsibility for maintaining the security of their Video Surveillance System (VSS) and for controlling user access to it.

Access Guidelines

• Permits continuous real-time monitoring of live video feed.

• Facilitates the retrieval of recorded video content for any specified date and time period.

• Provides the capability to export specific segments of video footage to external storage devices.

Project managers, supervisors, workplace safety and health (WSH) officers, WSH coordinators, or designated personnel should routinely oversee the VSS recordings, either in real-time or for subsequent examination. Their objective is to identify unsafe work practices and implement appropriate accident prevention measures.

Furthermore, it is recommended that companies incorporate the review of VSS footage into their incident self-investigation process. Select video clips can be utilized to educate workers on the distinction between safe and unsafe practices.

Additional Operational Considerations

Companies should establish a comprehensive set of protocols to ensure the effective utilization and security of the VSS. Several vital operational considerations are outlined below:

Proper lighting should be provided for areas covered by VSS cameras. This not only promotes safe work activities but also guarantees high-quality video capture.

Security against Tampering
Provide VSS cameras which enclosed in vandal-resistant and tamper-proof casings. Mounting cameras at higher positions enhances monitoring capabilities and deters tampering. Any damaged cameras should be promptly replaced to maintain uninterrupted coverage of ongoing activities.

Place sufficient signage in strategic locations and at entry points of the workplace to inform all individuals of VSS monitoring in operation.

Arrange training sessions for VSS operators, instructing them on system operation, what to observe, and how to respond in the event of near-miss incidents or workplace safety and health (WSH) issues. Develop VSS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and conduct periodic refresher training to ensure operators are well-versed in the SOPs.

Workplace occupants, principals, and employers should consider consulting cybersecurity specialists to assess potential cybersecurity risks and implement measures to prevent unauthorized access, interference, or remote disruption of the VSS.

For further guidance, refer to the Infocomm Media Development Authority’s Internet of Things Cyber Security Guide.

For internet-enabled VSS, consult the General Cybersecurity Guidelines for Internet Protocol Video Surveillance Systems in Annex B of the Singapore Police Force’s Video Surveillance System Standard for Buildings to safeguard the VSS.

System Maintenance
Implement preventive maintenance measures, such as routine inspection and cleaning of camera lenses, and the replacement of worn or damaged mechanical components. This ensures continuous VSS operation, reduces the risk of sudden equipment failure, and extends equipment lifespan. Proper maintenance procedures minimize disruptions, servicing costs, and protect your investment.

Reactive maintenance is also essential in the event of component failures, with specific camera, system, or software faults requiring swift resolution to minimize VSS downtime.

Reference: WSH Council Singapore

The deployment of a reliable and effective Video Surveillance System (VSS) is an essential aspect of modern security and surveillance practices. Whether safeguarding critical infrastructure, monitoring public spaces, or ensuring the security of private establishments, the technical requirements for a VSS play a pivotal role in its functionality and overall effectiveness. This article outlines the key technical requisites and standards for VSS that must be met to design, install, and maintain.

VSS Power Supply

Power supply availability typically differs between a built-up environment like a finished building and a construction site, where its presence depends on the specific location being monitored and the construction phase.

In situations where power supply runs out, it is advisable to use high-capacity rechargeable battery packs. The selected battery technology should be non-combustible and devoid of emitting harmful fumes during usage.

When operating a VSS outdoors during daylight hours, it’s possible to harness solar power to complement the battery’s capacity.

Furthermore, a VSS can be affixed to a building, vehicle (such as a van), or industrial machinery (like a tower crane) and draw power from these sources.

Companies can also install an Uninterruptible Power Supply to ensure uninterrupted VSS operation in case of power disruptions or when the battery is depleted.

Transmission and Storage

Digital video file sizes can vary significantly depending on factors like video bitrate, recording duration, and the extent of video compression, necessitating substantial storage capacity. To address this, options include utilizing local storage devices such as SD cards and thumb drives, as well as network-based drives and cloud-based storage solutions.

Regarding the transmission of video data, it can occur either through network cables or wirelessly, using technologies like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or SIM card/mobile data.

Storage recommendations include:

Additionally, the chosen Video Surveillance System (VSS) should also have backup and export video footage to external storage devices, such as thumb drives and portable hard disks.

Viewing and Access

Companies have the flexibility to choose for a suitable Video Management System (VMS) software that facilitates effortless storage, administration, and viewing of video files. Typically, this VMS software grants users the capability to switch between live and recorded video footage and perform various remote functions, including adjusting camera angles (pan, tilt, zoom), and even editing footage.

Companies should contemplate the implementation of real-time monitoring for ongoing high-risk activities, serving as an additional layer of surveillance. This approach proves especially valuable when cameras provide unique perspectives that are not attainable through in-person monitoring. It’s important to note that companies bear full responsibility for maintaining the security of their Video Surveillance System (VSS) and for controlling user access to it.

Access Guidelines

• Permits continuous real-time monitoring of live video feed.

• Facilitates the retrieval of recorded video content for any specified date and time period.

• Provides the capability to export specific segments of video footage to external storage devices.

Project managers, supervisors, workplace safety and health (WSH) officers, WSH coordinators, or designated personnel should routinely oversee the VSS recordings, either in real-time or for subsequent examination. Their objective is to identify unsafe work practices and implement appropriate accident prevention measures.

Furthermore, it is recommended that companies incorporate the review of VSS footage into their incident self-investigation process. Select video clips can be utilized to educate workers on the distinction between safe and unsafe practices.

Additional Operational Considerations

Companies should establish a comprehensive set of protocols to ensure the effective utilization and security of the VSS. Several vital operational considerations are outlined below:

Proper lighting should be provided for areas covered by VSS cameras. This not only promotes safe work activities but also guarantees high-quality video capture.

Security against Tampering
Provide VSS cameras which enclosed in vandal-resistant and tamper-proof casings. Mounting cameras at higher positions enhances monitoring capabilities and deters tampering. Any damaged cameras should be promptly replaced to maintain uninterrupted coverage of ongoing activities.

Place sufficient signage in strategic locations and at entry points of the workplace to inform all individuals of VSS monitoring in operation.

Arrange training sessions for VSS operators, instructing them on system operation, what to observe, and how to respond in the event of near-miss incidents or workplace safety and health (WSH) issues. Develop VSS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and conduct periodic refresher training to ensure operators are well-versed in the SOPs.

Workplace occupants, principals, and employers should consider consulting cybersecurity specialists to assess potential cybersecurity risks and implement measures to prevent unauthorized access, interference, or remote disruption of the VSS.

For further guidance, refer to the Infocomm Media Development Authority’s Internet of Things Cyber Security Guide.

For internet-enabled VSS, consult the General Cybersecurity Guidelines for Internet Protocol Video Surveillance Systems in Annex B of the Singapore Police Force’s Video Surveillance System Standard for Buildings to safeguard the VSS.

System Maintenance
Implement preventive maintenance measures, such as routine inspection and cleaning of camera lenses, and the replacement of worn or damaged mechanical components. This ensures continuous VSS operation, reduces the risk of sudden equipment failure, and extends equipment lifespan. Proper maintenance procedures minimize disruptions, servicing costs, and protect your investment.

Reactive maintenance is also essential in the event of component failures, with specific camera, system, or software faults requiring swift resolution to minimize VSS downtime.

Reference: WSH Council Singapore
