Video Surveillance System Best Practice - Collie

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CCTV Camera Hanging on Ceiling
Rizal September 26, 2023 0 Comments

A Video Surveillance System (VSS) is composed of a network consisting of cameras, display screens or monitors, transmission systems, recording devices, and storage equipment. It serves the purpose of monitoring and recording activities within specific work areas.

VSS installation can be carried out either by professional vendors or through self-installation, particularly for smaller or less complex setups.

To ensure the safe installation of the VSS without disrupting surrounding work activities, it is advisable for companies to conduct a Risk Assessment (RA).

When considering VSS components, cameras stand out as the most crucial element. They can be strategically positioned in various locations and are capable of capturing video footage in diverse formats and resolutions.

Concerning camera types and their respective features, there are two common categories, each with its typical use cases:

Companies have the flexibility to select between dome or bullet cameras, or other suitable alternatives, depending on the specific requirements of their workplace surveillance needs.

Companies have the option to invest in cameras equipped with pan, tilt, and zoom functions. These cameras feature movable lenses for broader coverage and zoom lenses for closer inspection of particular areas.

In low-light conditions, it is essential to employ cameras with night vision capabilities, especially for work activities that occur in such environments. Depending on their operational needs, companies might also consider a VSS that enables integration with third-party systems and allows access to live video feeds for analytical purposes.

Recommendations for Area Coverage

The VSS should cover all work activities with higher risk levels. Companies may decide to expand coverage to other areas or include additional work activities in the monitoring scope based on their Risk Assessment (RA).

Examples of higher-risk work activities and locations to be monitored by the VSS at a construction site include:

  • Work conducted at heights more than 2 meters, such as working on roofs, scaffolds, formwork, and areas with open sides where there’s a risk of falling.
  • The construction of support structures and scaffolds.
  • Excavation and shoring operations.
  • Work in proximity to lifting operations, such as crane operation and lifting activities requiring a permit-to-work.
  • Works performed in confined spaces where the deployment of VSS does not pose safety hazards.
  • All floors of a under-construction building where higher-risk works are performed.
  • Work environments involving heavy or industrial machinery and equipment, including cranes, excavators, mobile elevated working platforms, and any machinery with moving parts that could cause injury.
  • Areas with significant vehicular and human traffic, such as those utilizing forklifts or reach trucks.
  • Loading and unloading zones.

The specific quantity, placement, and precise positioning of cameras depend on the worksite’s size, the range of each camera, and the number of cameras required to comprehensively cover the higher-risk activities occurring on the site.

Cameras should be strategically located to ensure unobstructed views and clear lines of sight to the ongoing work activities. It is advisable to mount cameras at elevated vantage points for enhanced capture of work in progress.

Efforts should be made to avoid unnecessary recording of neighboring premises. This can be achieved through methods such as the installation of physical barriers to limit the camera’s field of view, adjusting camera positions, or digitally configuring virtual privacy zones. The VSS should remain active and recording as long as higher-risk work activities are underway.

Examples of VSS Installation

Reference: WSH Council Singapore

A Video Surveillance System (VSS) is composed of a network consisting of cameras, display screens or monitors, transmission systems, recording devices, and storage equipment. It serves the purpose of monitoring and recording activities within specific work areas.

VSS installation can be carried out either by professional vendors or through self-installation, particularly for smaller or less complex setups.

To ensure the safe installation of the VSS without disrupting surrounding work activities, it is advisable for companies to conduct a Risk Assessment (RA).

When considering VSS components, cameras stand out as the most crucial element. They can be strategically positioned in various locations and are capable of capturing video footage in diverse formats and resolutions.

Concerning camera types and their respective features, there are two common categories, each with its typical use cases:

Companies have the flexibility to select between dome or bullet cameras, or other suitable alternatives, depending on the specific requirements of their workplace surveillance needs.

Companies have the option to invest in cameras equipped with pan, tilt, and zoom functions. These cameras feature movable lenses for broader coverage and zoom lenses for closer inspection of particular areas.

In low-light conditions, it is essential to employ cameras with night vision capabilities, especially for work activities that occur in such environments. Depending on their operational needs, companies might also consider a VSS that enables integration with third-party systems and allows access to live video feeds for analytical purposes.

Recommendations for Area Coverage

The VSS should cover all work activities with higher risk levels. Companies may decide to expand coverage to other areas or include additional work activities in the monitoring scope based on their Risk Assessment (RA).

Examples of higher-risk work activities and locations to be monitored by the VSS at a construction site include:

The specific quantity, placement, and precise positioning of cameras depend on the worksite’s size, the range of each camera, and the number of cameras required to comprehensively cover the higher-risk activities occurring on the site.

Cameras should be strategically located to ensure unobstructed views and clear lines of sight to the ongoing work activities. It is advisable to mount cameras at elevated vantage points for enhanced capture of work in progress.

Efforts should be made to avoid unnecessary recording of neighboring premises. This can be achieved through methods such as the installation of physical barriers to limit the camera’s field of view, adjusting camera positions, or digitally configuring virtual privacy zones. The VSS should remain active and recording as long as higher-risk work activities are underway.

Examples of VSS Installation

Reference: WSH Council Singapore
