Workplace Safety and Health with Video Surveillance System

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Workplace Safety with CCTV
Rizal September 22, 2023 0 Comments

The utilization of technology has the potential to revolutionize workplace safety and health (WSH) procedures, empowering businesses to proactively detect and tackle WSH issues before they escalate into major accidents. This results in the establishment of safer working environments, a decrease in accident occurrences, and the promotion of a workplace culture focused on accident prevention. 

Video Surveillance Systems (VSS) offer one avenue for companies to employ technology for the purpose of overseeing operations and enhancing the management of WSH risks. VSS enables real-time monitoring of work tasks, facilitating prompt intervention and accident prevention.

VSS helps companies to manage risks and improve WSH in several ways: 

  1. Monitoring: Surveillance cameras enable real-time monitoring of the workplace, empowering employers and stakeholders to spot risks and potentially hazardous situations, allowing for corrective actions to be taken before any incidents occur. 
  1. Deterrence: The mere presence of cameras serves as a deterrent against unsafe behaviors among all individuals on-site, including contractors and visitors. The awareness of workplace surveillance fosters compliance with WSH practices and effectively prevents WSH incidents. 
  1. Training: Surveillance recordings serve as valuable training resources, providing examples of both safe and unsafe behaviors in the workplace. This reinforces the company’s WSH policies, safe work procedures, and educates employees about the risks associated with their work activities. 
  1. Insight: In the event of a WSH incident, such as a near-miss, dangerous occurrence, or accident, surveillance recordings can be analyzed to extract valuable insights for investigations. The video footage helps identify crucial lessons and supports the implementation of additional measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Management, supervisors, and WSH personnel should incorporate VSS as an additional tool for verifying compliance to the company’s WSH standards. It should be seen as a complement, not a replacement, for established WSH management tools and on-site practices, such as conducting risk assessments (RA), communicating safe work procedures, and assessing the effectiveness of risk controls. 

Activities with a higher risk profile require heightened attention, and the utilization of VSS allows for remote monitoring to ensure the safe execution of these activities, regardless of one’s physical location. This real-time oversight contributes to a proactive approach to managing workplace risks. 

Furthermore, the video footage can be shared with workers during safety briefings, toolbox meetings, or training sessions to highlight unsafe behaviors and lapses, as well as to extract valuable lessons. The identified risks and unsafe conditions can also be communicated to workers through internal alerts or instant messaging to caution them against approaching hazardous areas or engaging in unsafe actions. 

Records of these lapses found and corrective actions taken may also be part of the company’s audit, demonstrating that actions were taken to intervene and prevent workplace accidents.

Data retrieved from WSH Council Singapore

The utilization of technology has the potential to revolutionize workplace safety and health (WSH) procedures, empowering businesses to proactively detect and tackle WSH issues before they escalate into major accidents. This results in the establishment of safer working environments, a decrease in accident occurrences, and the promotion of a workplace culture focused on accident prevention. 

Video Surveillance Systems (VSS) offer one avenue for companies to employ technology for the purpose of overseeing operations and enhancing the management of WSH risks. VSS enables real-time monitoring of work tasks, facilitating prompt intervention and accident prevention.

VSS helps companies to manage risks and improve WSH in several ways: 

  1. Monitoring: Surveillance cameras enable real-time monitoring of the workplace, empowering employers and stakeholders to spot risks and potentially hazardous situations, allowing for corrective actions to be taken before any incidents occur. 
  1. Deterrence: The mere presence of cameras serves as a deterrent against unsafe behaviors among all individuals on-site, including contractors and visitors. The awareness of workplace surveillance fosters compliance with WSH practices and effectively prevents WSH incidents. 
  1. Training: Surveillance recordings serve as valuable training resources, providing examples of both safe and unsafe behaviors in the workplace. This reinforces the company’s WSH policies, safe work procedures, and educates employees about the risks associated with their work activities. 
  1. Insight: In the event of a WSH incident, such as a near-miss, dangerous occurrence, or accident, surveillance recordings can be analyzed to extract valuable insights for investigations. The video footage helps identify crucial lessons and supports the implementation of additional measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Management, supervisors, and WSH personnel should incorporate VSS as an additional tool for verifying compliance to the company’s WSH standards. It should be seen as a complement, not a replacement, for established WSH management tools and on-site practices, such as conducting risk assessments (RA), communicating safe work procedures, and assessing the effectiveness of risk controls. 

Activities with a higher risk profile require heightened attention, and the utilization of VSS allows for remote monitoring to ensure the safe execution of these activities, regardless of one’s physical location. This real-time oversight contributes to a proactive approach to managing workplace risks. 

Furthermore, the video footage can be shared with workers during safety briefings, toolbox meetings, or training sessions to highlight unsafe behaviors and lapses, as well as to extract valuable lessons. The identified risks and unsafe conditions can also be communicated to workers through internal alerts or instant messaging to caution them against approaching hazardous areas or engaging in unsafe actions. 

Records of these lapses found and corrective actions taken may also be part of the company’s audit, demonstrating that actions were taken to intervene and prevent workplace accidents.

Data retrieved from WSH Council Singapore
