NFC - Collie

Rizal July 15, 2020 0 Comments

Application of Internet of Things in parks, with IoT Sensors (Beacon, NFC, etc) makes the park more Beautiful, Safe, and Smart. Information: 1. Monitor temperature for space store flammable material, like chemical and etc 2. Machines and

Rizal July 15, 2020 0 Comments

The Housing & Development Board with Internet of Things With sensors integrated into the system, making asset management easier, monitoring in real-time, and safe. Information 1.Cleaners and equipment can be tracked to know their whereabouts at all

Rizal July 15, 2020 0 Comments

Visitor Mobile Apps is an application to help managers of a place and visitors for mutual comfort. Visitors can scan the QR code or NFC to provide feedback. This feedback will be processed by AI. the manager
